Caribbean Updates, July 11, 2022

House to take up resolution on strengthening U.S. trade ties with Caribbean nations

July 11, 2022

The House on Tuesday is scheduled to vote on a resolution that recognizes a need to “strengthen trade and investment between the United States and the Caribbean nations,” which it calls the “Third Border” of the United States.

The non-binding resolution, introduced by Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D), delegate from the Virgin Islands, and backed by House Ways & Means trade subcommittee Chair Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), would urge the president “to prioritize and implement trade programs with the Caribbean region that promote sustainable and resilient economic development” and affirm “trade and tariff preference programs that strengthen the economic relationship between the Caribbean and the United States and produce economic benefits for people of all racial, ethnic, gender, ability, economic, linguistic, and religious backgrounds,” among other provisions.

The resolution lauds the benefits of both the Generalized System of Preferences, which has expired, and the U.S.–Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act. It also calls for “further enhancing trade programs” between the region and the U.S.

The Caribbean: Lessons and Outcomes from the IX Summit of the Americas – The Ward Post

Caribbean integration and lessons from the European Union – Jamaica Observer

David Jessop | Restoring PetroCaribe | Business | Jamaica Gleaner

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